Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hooray, First Confluence Visit, At Last

After so long dreaming of visiting one of so many confluence points in Indonesia, at last we have time to do it. For a start, we choose nearest CP from Bandung, at 108o East, 7o South. GPS display never stays long enough on exact zero because the place is under a rather thick bamboo leaves, and our GPS is quite old (see those dead LCD pixels?).

This journey is rather surprising for us, because we have read previous visit to this place which seems not so easy. But very fortunately, we have a guide, Mr. Ahmad, who lives nearby, and quite familiar with surrounding villages. So we ask him to give directions based on our rather complete 1:25.000 map which shows every village names around. The result is: we have to walk only around 10 minutes from our car park location to this confluence point. Actually, if we brave enough to bring our cars further, then we will reach a point very, very near CP: around 40 m. But then, there will be no fun left.

Celebrating our success. Front from left to right: Pona, Betha, Andika, Fajar, Waryaman, and Mr. Ahmad. Back: Rusydan and Wawan. Two of us are not shown in this picture: Abdul and Senja, who are busy taking our pictures.

And this is me, waiting for others reaching agreement whether we were close enough to confluence point, or must shift around. I felt tired, too old, and very unfit ... I wonder if we were really executing our initial plan to start walking from a point around 3 km away, crossing one (or maybe two) hill.

So, where to go next? Maybe to 107o East, 7o South near Sukabumi? Want to join us?


Abdul Fattah said...
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Abdul Fattah said...

Waduuh kasian yang lagi nahan sakit peruut, tahan aja Boooss toh sakit perutnya ga seberapa dibanding kepuasan mencapai titik 'confluence'.

Tapi kayanya link yang sukabumi 7°S 107°E salah sasaran tuh boos, kopi paste yach..

Btw, Mission is completed, Congratulations 4 Yours..