File opened in LibreOffice Impress, tested on version 3.5.4 and (above)
The same file opened in Microsoft Office PowerPoint (below)
Test case file LO-error-testcase-1.pptx
Update: Reported as bug 55260. Fix is already in master (3.7).
Thursday, July 19, 2012
LibreOffice Impress Bug
Diposkan oleh
Andika Triwidada
Tag: bug, impress, libreoffice, power point
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Editing PO File Using Vi
Sometimes I prefer to use vi to do translation, by directly edit a PO file.
To complete a partially translated file, it's very handy to know this regex to search untranslated or fuzzy strings:
/^msgstr ""\n^$ will search for untranslated string, taking into account (and skipping) translated multi line strings. ^msgstr\[1\] ""\n^$\ will search for untranslated plural string. While \| are needed to OR multiple regex patterns (need to be escaped)./^msgstr ""\n^$\|^msgstr\[1\] ""\n^$\|, fuzzy
Update 13rd Jul, 2012: more exact 'fuzzy' matching.
Diposkan oleh
Andika Triwidada
Tag: l10n, regex, translation, vi
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Terjemahan VirtualBox 100%
Ada yang berbaik hati mau mencoba dan memeriksa apakah hasil terjemahan VirtualBox ke bahasa Indonesia sudah cukup enak dibaca? Teks hasil terjemahan dapat diunduh di, dan cara mengujinya disinggung di
Update: Hasil kompilasi terjemahan ada di, yang terdiri dari VirtualBox_id.qm dan qt_id.qm. Berkas sumbernya ada di, yang terdiri dari VirtualBox_id.ts dan qt_id.ts.
Diposkan oleh
Andika Triwidada
Tag: translation, virtualbox
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Build PoEdit di MacOS X 10.6
* ambil source poedit
$ git clone git://* pastikan db (versi >= 4.7) dan boost sudah terpasang, dan di-compile dengan arch i386
* definisikan CPPFLAGS dan LDFLAGS di environment
$ export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include/db51"* jalankan configure dengan opsi eksplist "-arch i386"
$ export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib/db51
$ ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386" CXX="g++ -arch i386" OBJC="gcc -arch i386"* buat .dmg
$ make dist-osx
Diposkan oleh
Andika Triwidada
Tag: mac, poedit, software development
Friday, March 23, 2012
How To Install RTIR on Debian Squeeze
1. install RT
$ sudo apt-get install request-tracker3.82. install RTIR prerequisite
# add squeeze-backports entry into your sources.list3. download and install RTIR, read README, answer with /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib for path to
# install some packages
$ sudo apt-get install dh-make-perl libnet-whois-ripe-perl libhook-lexwrap-perl \
libset-intspan-perl libnet-cidr-perl libregexp-common-net-cidr-perl
# build and install Business::Hours
$ cpan2deb Business::Hours
$ sudo dpkg -i libbusiness-hours-perl*.deb
# build and install Business::SLA
$ cpan2deb Business::SLA
$ sudo dpkg -i libbusiness-sla-perl*.deb
This way, every package except RTIR itself is Debianized. Maybe I'll create RTIR deb....
Diposkan oleh
Andika Triwidada