Sunday, June 29, 2008

Setup Wifi using WPA on Axioo CMPC

At last, I can connect to AP using WPA after reading /usr/src/rt73-k2wrlz-1.1.0/IWPRIV_USAGE. On line 191, documentation is very clear:

d> Config STA to link with AP which is WPAPSK/TKIP(Authentication/Encryption)
1. iwpriv wlan0 set NetworkType=Infra
2. iwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
3. iwpriv wlan0 set EncrypType=TKIP
4. iwpriv wlan0 set SSID="AP's SSID"
5. iwpriv wlan0 set WPAPSK="12345678"
6. iwpriv wlan0 set SSID="AP's SSID"

p.s Step 4 is part of generating wpapsk password and is necessary.
Now my remaining problem is to put those iwprivs into appropriate file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/


Anonymous said...

wah master nih!

adinoto said...

Pakde, udah liat Axioo yang jadi-jadiannya MSI Wind itu ga? Manstep tuh 10" 1024x600 dan Atom wow... hdd nya juga udah lebih gede dari original MSI dikasih 160GB. Dikasih nama apa gitu Axioo Pico? Yep there it is

Ga dapet diskon nih dari Axioo gua udah promosiin :D